Woman charged with driving under the influence. A 56-year-old woman is facing Marietta DUI charges after she crashed her 2000 Toyota Avalon through the front window of a martial arts school when six children were in the middle of a class. According to a news report in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, none of the students at the Choi Kwang Do East Cobb martial arts school was injured in the crash.
Cherrie Hallen was reportedly in the parking lot at Parkaire Landing Shopping Center when she put her car into drive instead of reverse. She crashed into the school’s classroom after going through some bushes and two brick pillars. The students aged 6 to 11 were shocked, but managed to get out of the room.
It is indeed fortunate that no one got injured in this crash. Charges are severe and penalties are high in DUI cases involving injuries or deaths. There are very few details about Hallen’s condition, why officials thought she was intoxicated and whether she took any breath or field sobriety tests.