In a story on January 28, 2009, two police reports show that murder victim Daniel Malakov had been involved in a heated argument with Mikhail Mallayev, 51, and another nameless Russian man a day before Malakov was murdered. Police allege that a Queen’s mom employed Mallayev to kill her husband, who was a dentist, because of an ongoing custody battle over a 4-year-old daughter.
Steven Scaring, attorney for Mazoltuv Borukhova, 34, and their wife, vehemently requested the police reports to attempt to assist police in tracking down the “real killer.” Borukhova is alleged to have paid Malayev $20,000 to murder her spouse in this New York violent crime.
Robert Hanophy, Queens Supreme Court Justice, said “Looking at both of those reports together, it does not exculpate the defendant. In fact, it incriminates one of the defendants.”
Authorities say Mallayev reportedly spoke by telephone with Borukhova at least 60 times in the week the murder took place. Also, Mallayev’s fingerprints were discovered on a homemade silencer.
No matter what your specific situation, if you have been accused of a violent crime in New York or Georgia, you need to hire an aggressive New York or Georgia violent crime defense attorney to help you sort out the complexities of such cases and make sure your rights are being upheld. New York and Georgia violent crime defense attorneys aggressively defend the rights of their clients.